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Delicious and easy bread pudding using Greek sweet Easter bread called Tsoureki, and a Greek yoghurt and fresh orange custard. Drizzled on top is a gorgeous chocolate sauce made in minutes.

I wasn’t going to share this recipe on this side of the blog. I thought that it might be too hard for people to find tsoureki in countries other than Greece. However, it seems that yes, you can find tsoureki in shops with Greek products and on the internet. Worst case scenario you could probably substitute it with challah or another sweet bread. Although I would definitely suggest you try your hardest to find the real deal, as its fragrance is like no other due to the mahleb (mahlepi) it contains. That is a spice made from seeds found in the stones of a particular type of cherry. And I only just found that out while looking up how to spell it!

Tsoureki Pudding with Greek Yoghurt Orange Cream and a Quick Chocolate Sauce www.thefoodiecorner.gr Photo description: The rough dark surface, with half a tsoureki bread sitting on a pretty napkin, to the bottom right of the photo. Two slices are lying on their side in front of the loaf. In the bottom left, top left and top right corners of the photo are three oranges with their leaves attached. To the left of the photo are some pieces of cubed tsoureki bread.

The custard I have used is made with Greek yoghurt, olive oil and fresh oranges. It is absolutely delicious, and is basically the cream that is used in the classic Greek dessert Portokalopita (orange pie).

To top it all off, I’ve made an instant chocolate sauce with olive oil and salt, because chocolate and orange is a match made in heaven, especially when there’s tsoureki involved. So don’t skip it!

There. Now you know what to do with your leftover tsoureki. Hahahaha, an oxymoron if ever there was one!


350gr tsoureki bread, cubed

100gr sugar

1 Tbs orange zest

3 eggs

100gr Greek yoghurt (strained)

60ml olive oil

120ml orange juice, freshly squeezed

For the chocolate sauce

120gr chocolate, dark, roughly chopped

2 Tbs evaporated milk

1 tsp olive oil

1 pinch salt

Step 1

Preheat the oven to 160C fan assisted (180C conventional). Put the tsoureki cubes in a smallish baking dish.

Step 2

In a bowl whisk the sugar and orange zest. Add the eggs, Greek yoghurt, olive oil and juice whisking after each addition till you get a smooth mixture.

Step 3

Pour the mixture over the tsoureki and set aside for a while so it absorbs some liquid. Squish it down a bit so all the bread gets a good coating.

Step 4

Bake for about 25 minutes or until the pudding has puffed up slightly and got some colour. The mixture will have thickened.

Step 5

For the sauce, heat the chocolate and milk in the microwave at 15 second intervals, mixing well in between, till the chocolate has melted. Add the oil and salt, mix well and drizzle over the pudding. Serve warm.

Note: The sauce will harden as it cools, but you can always reheat it.

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