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Let’s welcome autumn with a super easy apple cake, with fresh apple chunks and fragrant cinnamon and ginger. To make it extra special, we’ll smother it in gorgeous salted caramel sauce. Perfect for the cooler days that have finally made their way here.

Easy, No Mixer Apple Cake with Salted Caramel Sauce www.thefoodiecorner.gr Photo description: A cake on a small table oudoors. Next to it are some apples and pears, a jar of caramel sauce, a book and some brown leaves. On one corner of the table is a small folded crocheted tablecloth.

I’ve been sitting in front of my computer for a couple of hours now, trying to come up with an inspired piece of writing. I wanted to share something that will suit the photographs I took of this apple cake. Something profound.

Easy, No Mixer Apple Cake with Salted Caramel Sauce www.thefoodiecorner.gr Photo description: Side view of a small jar of caramel sauce on a wooden table with a pretty spoon in it. Just behind it and to its left is a worn book with some brown leaves on it and a pear. Another pear is in the background.
Easy, No Mixer Apple Cake with Salted Caramel Sauce www.thefoodiecorner.gr Photo description: A top view of a plate with a piece of cake being held over the table by a man’s hand.

It’s not happening.

Easy, No Mixer Apple Cake with Salted Caramel Sauce www.thefoodiecorner.gr Photo description: A side view of a small wooden box acting as a table (half in the shot), with a crocheted tablecloth draped over the corner. To its left a basket with some mugs inside, sitting on a round piece of wood. Next to the basket and inside is some fruit. In the background are some cusions. The backdrop is dense foliage.

I’ve written and deleted a few paragraphs now, trying to change the approach, not liking the roads my mind is following for this story.

Easy, No Mixer Apple Cake with Salted Caramel Sauce www.thefoodiecorner.gr Photo description: A side view of a piece of cake on a plate. The inside of the cake is facing us and there is some caramel dripping over the other side. In the background a book, some pears and some brown leaves. All against a backdrop of dense foliage.

You know what? I’ll let the photographs do the talking. I don’t know what they will tell you. But it will be more interesting than anything I can come up with at this point in time.

Easy, No Mixer Apple Cake with Salted Caramel Sauce www.thefoodiecorner.gr Photo description: A side view of the jar of caramel. To its right an apple and to its left a couple of plates with cake on them (half in the shot).
Easy, No Mixer Apple Cake with Salted Caramel Sauce www.thefoodiecorner.gr Photo description: A view from further away of the whole picnic setup. Cusions are lying on the lawn around the small wooden box that is acting as a table. The basket with the mugs is next to it, surrounded by some apples. On the table are the cake, the caramel and a book.

This photo shoot is quite different to my usual work. I took it outside, wanting to experiment and try something new. To step out of the comfort zone we all talk about.

Easy, No Mixer Apple Cake with Salted Caramel Sauce www.thefoodiecorner.gr Photo description: A top view of two plates with cake on them. They are sitting on the grass, a book and some brown leaves next to them. Barely visible are two cusions.

I’m happy with it. I still have a lot to learn, and much practice to do. But I like where it’s going. I hope you do too!

Easy, No Mixer Apple Cake with Salted Caramel Sauce www.thefoodiecorner.gr Photo description: Top view of the cut cake on the wooden table. Next to it are two plates with cake on and the jar of caramel.

Two words about the cake. This is, after all, a food blog! It’s a great cake to have on hand for a light snack with a cup of coffee, or to take to the office or even for the kids to take to school. It’s very tasty and easy to throw together. But if you want to turn it into a luscious dessert, just pour some of this salted caramel over the top.

Easy, No Mixer Apple Cake with Salted Caramel Sauce www.thefoodiecorner.gr Photo description: Side view of a piece of cake on a plate. There is thick caramel dripping down the side facing us, pooling on the plate.

Salted caramel makes everything luscious!


230gr self-raising flour

1 tsp ginger, powdered

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 + 1/2 tsp cinnamon, powdered

70gr white sugar, granulated

70gr + 2 Tbs brown sugar, granulated

120gr margarine, melted

2 eggs

400gr apples, cored and peeled (choose tasty ones, it makes a
difference. I used golden delicious) Weight before prep about 470gr

a few thin slices of apple to garnish, optional

1 Tbs light coloured jam (e.g. peach, apricot etc), optional

For the salted caramel sauce

100gr sugar, granulated

40gr butter

60ml heavy cream, full fat, lightly warmed in the microwave

1 pinch of salt

Step 1

Preheat oven to 160C fan assisted (180C conventional). Lightly grease a square baking tin (about 21x21cm) and line with baking paper so that two opposite sides come up over the edge of the tin.

Step 2

Whisk the flour, ginger, ½ tsp of cinnamon and the salt in a bowl.

Step 3

In another large bowl beat the melted marge with the white sugar and the 70gr of brown sugar. Add the eggs and beat till smooth. Set aside.

Step 4

Chop the apples into small pieces and add the 2 Tbs of brown sugar and the ½ tsp cinnamon. Mix well to coat the apples.

Step 5

Fold the dry ingredients into the wet with a spatula until you can’t see any flour. The batter will be thick. Fold in the apples.

Step 6

Transfer the mixture to the tin and smooth out the surface. Decorate with a few slices of apple (don’t cover the whole thing, the browned parts are the best!). Bake for about 50 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean from the middle of the cake. Let sit for 5 minutes and turn out. Warm the jam till runny and paint over the surface of the hot cake.

Step 7

For the salted caramel sauce: Put the sugar in a small saucepan. Choose a light coloured pan so you can see the bottom while cooking. Place the pan on the stove and turn the heat to medium high. Let the sugar heat up without stirring. When you see a ring of liquid round the edges of the pan you can start stirring the sugar in the middle with a wooden spoon.

Step 8

When all the sugar has liquefied and you can’t see any granules (about 7 minutes from the time you turn the heat on) add the butter. Be very careful as it will froth up. Stir quickly and continuously watching the mixture the whole time. As soon as the butter has melted take the pan off the heat and carefully add the cream. It will froth like crazy and be seriously hot. It helps to blow on the mixture while mixing continuously. When the sauce settles and is smooth, add the salt and stir some more. Then transfer the sauce to a glass jar and let come to room temperature.

Step 9

Serve the cake warm or at room temp, smothering it in caramel sauce.

I’d love to hear what you think about either the photos or the cake. And if you make the cake, please snap a pic and tag me (#thefoodiecorner) so I can find it!


The Greek version of this post is sponsored. All opinions are my own.

3 ratings, avg : 5.00

So, what do you think? Leave me a comment!


  • Reply

    What a gorgeous cake! It sounds incredible!

  • Reply

    Hi Eleni! This post made me giggle 🙂 And you’re right, sometimes it’s better to let the images do the talking … :)) And they do it so well here, it screams AUTUMN to me! Lovely blog – happy to have have a proper look at it finally!

    • Reply

      Haha, yes, it was not one of my most inspired pieces of writing 😉 Thanks for your kind words, I’m glad you like the pics and the blog! xx