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I love ginger ale. And having homemade ginger syrup on hand is a great way to ensure I can enjoy a glass whenever the mood strikes. But the syrup isn’t only for ginger ale; it can also be added to desserts, baked goodies, cocktails and juices. It’s easy to make, so give it a try. Oh, and the leftover ginger can be crystallised!

I’m always looking out for special offers on ginger ale. It’s definitely one of my favourite soft drinks, and I could drink it everyday. For ages now I’ve been meaning to try making my own syrup, which I can then mix with club soda or sparkling water to create a homemade version. And at last, here it is.

I tried two versions. The first turned out quite sweet for my liking, but delicious all the same. The second turned out pretty strong, which is perfect for my tastes, but might be a tad on the spicy side if you’re not especially keen. I’ll list both so you can choose the best for you. The quantities are quite small, so you can try it out, see how you like it and then use the recipe as a base and make any adjustments you want in order to get to your ideal level of sweet vs. spicy. The great thing about homemade syrups is exactly that. You can play around with the recipes until you reach the perfect combination for your own palate.

Now the pieces of ginger that are left don’t need to go in the bin. They can be coated in sugar, left to dry out a bit and made into crystallised ginger for a yummy (and seriously spicy) snack, or for chopping and adding to baked goods. So no waste!


Sweeter version:

110gr fresh ginger, peeled and sliced (weight after prep)

1/2 cup white sugar

1/2 cup brown sugar

1 cup water

Spicier version:

130gr fresh ginger, peeled and sliced (weight after prep)

1/2 cup brown sugar

2 cups water

Step 1

Sweeter version: Combine all ingredients in a small saucepan and bring to the boil. Turn down heat, half cover the pan and simmer for 30 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool for one hour. Strain into a bottle, and when it’s completely cold refrigerate. Dilute with fizzy water or club soda to make ginger ale.

Step 2

Spicier version: Combine all ingredients in a small saucepan and bring to the boil. Turn down heat, half cover and simmer for one hour. Turn off the heat but leave the pan on the hot plate. Let cool for one hour and strain into a bottle. When completely cool refrigerate. Dilute with fizzy water or club soda to make ginger ale.

Step 3

Crystallised ginger: If you decide to make this, make sure you slice the ginger thinly but not too much so. After straining, spread the pieces on baking paper and sprinkle with sugar (quantity not mentioned in the ingredients list). You’ll want quite a bit so it sticks. Let dry for about an hour and turn the slices over. Sprinkle the other side and let dry completely. You want the pieces to dry out but not become rock hard. Store in a clean jam jar.

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