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This recipe was a revelation. With just a few cheap ingredients, you end up with over a litre of vegetable mix, a teaspoon of which gives a whole cup of stock. Amazing. I wish I could send you a whiff of the aromas when you open the jar. I wonder when they will invent scratch and sniff screens?!

So, all you need to make the veggie mix is a sturdy food processor. Both times I made it I used this stick blender with the blade attachment in the large jug. If you are using something similar just be a tad careful, as it can be hard work for a small motor. With a bit of ingredient preparation though, it will be fine.

The bouillon mix keeps for ages (I had my first batch for a year) but it needs to be stored in the fridge. The preservative that makes this possible is the salt, and that’s why there is such a large quantity of it. However, if you think about how little salt actually ends up in your stock (one teaspoon of mix makes one cup) you understand it is a negligible amount. If you want to use less salt you can, but you should store the mix in teaspoon portions in the freezer. That sounds way too faffy for all this mix if you ask me.

Use it as stock, or just stick a teaspoonful or so into anything you want to add flavour to, such as soups, stews, even your pasta or rice water.


4 largish carrots, coarsely grated

3 celery ribs (without the thinner stalks and leaves), chopped

1 leek (the white and light green part), thinly sliced

1 small onion, chopped

1/3 bunch parsley (with stalks), coarsely chopped

2 largish mushrooms, coarsely chopped (about 1 ½ to 1 ¾ cups)

10 sundried tomato halves preserved in oil, drained and finely chopped (scissors are easiest)

1 tsp black pepper corns

200 gr salt

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If you want, you can experiment with other herbs. I believe dill weed would be nice, but I haven’t tried it yet. If you like you can also add a couple of garlic cloves.

Step 1

Mix all the ingredients in a large bowl. Process in batches, till the mix becomes like a thick paste. After you are done with each batch, transfer it to a clean bowl and mix it all up. Be careful not to fill the processor container too much, so everything is minced evenly.

Step 2

Stir your veggie paste well (all batches together) so as to distribute everything evenly, and put it through the processor again, just to make sure. This is especially important if you started out with more than one bowlful of ingredients – it will ensure all the flavours are properly mixed up.

Step 3

Store in an airtight container (I used the glass jar in the photo plus a clean jam jar). The total quantity was about 1 1/4 litres.

Step 4

To use, add one teaspoon to a cup of boiling water and stir well. Or use it straight up, in soups, stews, pasta/rice water etc.

This recipe is from the blog In Jennie's Kitchen.

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