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10 ratings, avg : 3.10

Do I need to say much? It's vodka, that tastes like toffee, or caramel, or whatever you want to call it. It's good. Make some for Christmas.

I first tried toffee vodka at my cousin’s wedding earlier this year. We each got some as a wedding favour, beautifully presented in a lovely glass bottle with a cork top and a pretty card tied around it with ribbon. It tasted absolutely amazing. I am not one to drink straight liquor, but this… I had to stop myself from downing the whole thing with one gulp. Soon after, my brain started drifting to a homemade version and I wondered how easy it would be to make something similar. The original came all the way from Wales, where it is made locally and is of course a very popular drink (how could it not be?). It’s not available here in Greece, but I was sure people would love it. It turns out, as with many other ideas of mine, I was way behind. Someone (a few people actually) had already done it. Well, that made me even more curious to try it out myself. Especially since it was so easy.

This version of toffee, or caramel vodka is obviously not the same as the original. But it is still a very good alternative if you can’t get the real thing. It takes only a day to make, and you can really taste the caramel in it. I’d say it’s a great addition to your Christmas stash of booze, and would make a lovely after dinner tipple since it’s so sweet. Try it out now with a small amount like mine; that way you have plenty of time to prepare a larger batch for next month’s festivities. And since it’s a test run, you’re allowed to have all of it.


300 ml vodka

100 gr / 20 Werther’s Original sweets (2 regular packets)

Step 1

Put the vodka and sweets into a clean jar or bottle and set aside for 24 hours or until the sweets melt and disappear into the vodka. Give it a shake once in a while during this time.

After the sweets melt you will see a foamy film appear on the surface of the drink. It disappears with a good shake. Recipe slightly adapted from this one on Rosalilium.

10 ratings, avg : 3.10

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