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A fabulous hot drink with white chocolate melted into milk, complemented by the exotic and warming tones of rose. A rather glamorous take on the humble yet delicious hot chocolate. Oh, and three easy ways to make it.

This is an extremely simple recipe, for flavours that are anything but. I even wondered if it warrants its own blog post. But one sip of this indulgent hot drink and I knew it was worth sharing – even if only for the idea of this intriguing combination.

Rose Flavoured White Hot Chocolate www.thefoodiecorner.gr Photo description: Three quarter view of the three ceramic mugs filled with white hot chocolate.

White chocolate and rose. Doesn’t it sound exotic and warming? I can’t even remember how I got the idea to try this. In my first attempt I used a rose extract that had been sent to me. It was amazing. However after giving it some thought I decided that rose extract isn’t too easily available here so I didn’t want to use it in a recipe where it would be one of the main players.

Rose Flavoured White Hot Chocolate www.thefoodiecorner.gr Photo description: Three quarter view of a ceramic mug filled with white hot chocolate. The top is decorated with chopped Turkish delight. In the background, a small chopping board with some pieces of white chocolate.

But what could I use to get the rose scent and flavour? Ooh, what about chopped Turkish delight? (aka lokum) This a traditional sweet here in Greece too, did you know that? We call it loukoumi and make it in many different flavours, one of them being rose of course. Well, that kind of worked (it was great in the slow cooker, not so great in the microwave) but the main issue was that it made the drink way too sweet. The amount of loukoumi necessary to get the rose flavour was just too much. So I left it to work on other things.

Rose Flavoured White Hot Chocolate www.thefoodiecorner.gr Photo description: An overhead view of a ceramic mug sitting on a bunched up linen napkin. The mug is full of white hot chocolate and some chopped Turkish delight is decorating the surface of the drink. To the left, barely visible, some pieces of white chocolate on a small chopping board.

Then, a few weeks later when I was trying my almond cardamom rose cake (have you tried it yet? Please do, it’s wonderful) I suddenly realised the solution for my hot chocolate was staring me in the face all along. By means of a blue bottle of rose water, sitting on my shelf. Now why didn’t I think of that earlier? Rose water is available in all supermarkets here as it’s often used in Greek sweets. If it’s easier to find extract where you are, just use that. You’ll have to experiment with the amount as it depends on the brand and the concentration. With mine I only need one, or maximum two, drops per cup of hot chocolate.

Rose Flavoured White Hot Chocolate www.thefoodiecorner.gr Photo description: A close-up of a mug of hot chocolate. The mug is ceramic and has a stripy pattern. Some chopped Turkish delight decorates the surface.

A note re the preparation methods. The stovetop and microwave options are great for one or two servings. The slow cooker version is best saved for when you want to make two or more (depending on the size of your appliance – two is the minimum for the 3.5lt model, anything bigger will need larger quantities otherwise the milk might burn).

Rose Flavoured White Hot Chocolate www.thefoodiecorner.gr Photo description: An overhead view of three ceramic mugs of white hot chocolate, sitting on a stone surface. To the left, some pieces of Turkish delight covered in icing sugar.

And now for what might be the easiest recipe on my blog…


For the slow cooker (2 portions)

400 ml milk, whole fat

80 gr white chocolate, roughly chopped

2 tsp rose water

For the stovetop and microwave (1 portion)

200 ml milk, whole fat

40 gr white chocolate, roughly chopped

1 tsp rose water

To decorate (optional)

Rose flavoured loukoumi (aka Turkish delight)

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Some types of white chocolate melt quicker than others. Usually the thin bars (the ones we eat as is) are the easiest. Thicker white chocolate (the sort used for baking) can take longer, so chop it finer (especially if using the microwave method).

Step 1

For the slow cooker:
Add the milk, chocolate and rose water to the slow cooker and turn to the low setting. Let it warm through until the chocolate melts and the milk reaches the desired temperature for drinking. I left mine for one hour (if you increase the ingredients you will probably need a little longer).

Step 2

For the stovetop:
Warm everything over medium heat in a small saucepan. It’s ready when the chocolate has fully melted and the drink has reached the desired temperature (for me that is just under boiling).

Step 3

For the microwave:
Add all the ingredients to a mug and heat on high in 30-second cycles, stirring well between each.

Step 4

Serve with some loukoumi if desired (it's not necessary, I used it mainly for styling purposes!!)

You may find that a yellowish film develops on the surface of your drink. This is from the oils of the chocolate, just stir it back in.

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